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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Theology that makes a difference.

This is one of many posts to come (or perhaps a large post), but I was thinking today about how Calvinism makes any difference. I recall discussing this with a friend, and his specific question was "what does it matter if there's election or free will? Isn't the outcome the same?" My initial response was true, but not really heavy with purpose. My simple response was "because having correct doctrines and glorifying God for correct things gives Him glory, and He isn't glorified by false doctrine, no matter how 'harmless' they are." I started meditating on things i recollected from various piper books and articles and sermons, and then I realized that there's an amazing benefit to believing in the doctrines of grace! If you believe in election and the effectual call of God then when you evangelize you can have full assurance that no matter how hard their heart is, if God intends to plant a seed of faith to blossom, it will be done and despite the hardness of their heart, and their free will that is indeed hostile to God, if God intends them to be saved, they will be saved! You don't have to beg them, you don't have to sugar coat the gospel and entice them, you preach Christ crucified who died to save a worthless dead people from their sins and was killed on the cross in an act of propitiation to appease the wrath of God for all who believe, and this brutal, offensive, non-seeker friendly gospel becomes the sweetest thing to the most wicked and obstinate person in the world if it is indeed the will of God! For people who cling to the unbridled free will of man in choosing his salvation, you have no assurance that an obstinate person will hear the call of God, you have no assurance that a desperately wicked person will turn from his sinful pleasure at the high cost that is required (deny yourself...pick up your cross...and follow Christ!). For those who believe in ultimate self-determination you have to beg and plead and woo and compromise the blessed gospel possibly to win souls! Calvinists, with their offensive doctrine of election, don't have to because we rely on God's grace, which is stronger than ANY of human will! More as the thoughts continue to digest.

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