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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Still preaching the gospel to myself...

Sanctify me oh my God! Take this death from within, this poison that curses you and blasphemes your Son. There is a very real want of holiness within me. A longing that comes from within when I am around others. My failures are so transparent to my own eyes, and it’s a wonder that no one comments on them more. Perhaps there is a certain cultural silence that is understood among our church family where grace is applied to shortcomings without confrontation. Perhaps it is my own spirit crying out within me aided by the accuser throwing darts of despair at me time and time again. Perhaps they are legitimate tugging of your Spirit trying to curve me back to a proper place, to sanctify me. Whichever it happens to be, I do not need to think much about myself to see how depraved I am. It is common in my mind to see the need of preaching the gospel to myself, but how much I fail at doing this task. The gospel is so incredible, the restoration of sinners being made right with God without a compromise of your holiness or justice through the atoning death of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. The gospel is not just something that we preach to convert souls. Surely the gospel has the power, or more properly, is the means by which sinners are saved, but if this were the whole picture how pitiful would be our life, what would sanctify us? Sinners must know they are sinners to receive the grace offered by your Son, but to become more like your Son, we must become more aware of how we fail to be like your Son. We learn the depths of our depravity the more we understand your law and your holiness. The deeper our understanding of our depravity and your law, the more we need to hear the gospel and the richer and more beautiful the cross becomes. Well beyond our salvation, our sanctification was purchased upon the cross. The blood that Christ Jesus spilled not only saves us, but assures that the scriptures are fulfilled that say that you who started a good work in us will continue it until the day of completion. I am such a wretched man, full of pride, sloth, lust, rage, covetousness, apathy, slander, and a whole host of other sins, but how great is your love? Oh, how infinitely valuable is the blood of your Son that was spilled on that dark day. On that day you tore the curtain, once and for all appointing Christ as the high priest who alone mediates between God and man. Because of that horrific and beautiful day we are brought close to you, adopted as your children, and we have entrance before your throne. No more priests are needed to mediate but the all-sufficient High Priest named Christ Jesus. Our righteousness is but filthy rags before you, but your Son’s righteousness is imputed to us so that we may be brought close to you. Christ Jesus is the holy of holies, and the tabernacle is the church, where two or three are gathered before your throne. Oh how sweet is this gospel, this good news! We have nothing to give, no future but hell, and because of your love you exercise the greatest act of grace, and the greatest act of justice at the same time, upon the cross. This is wonderful and humbling! This is the gospel. So sweet to the soul is this truth. A divine vindication, not of my own deserving, but because of Christ’s blood. This is the refreshment that comes from the child of God taking heed of and preaching the gospel to himself. There is a want of this in our church. Only thinking upon the cross will manifest religion that glorifies you and you alone because after all, we as Protestants do claim “Soli Deo Gloria”. If we are to be honest about our doctrine, we must start to believe them and have them transform our lives! To make disciples of all nations we must preach the gospel to sinners. To sanctify our hearts and our minds and become transformed to the example of your Son we must preach the gospel to ourselves. To accomplish anything in this world for your glory we must preach the gospel! Take hold of the cross, pick it up, and follow Christ! Sanctify me of my God!