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Saturday, April 28, 2007

See my pain?

Something that happened at work yesterday helped me realize something. I've been somber and more melancholy than usual, in part due to anxiety and in part due to internal struggles I think. Anyway, at work I had to step back from what I was doing because I didn't know exactly how to do it, and Darren at work was stepping in to finish it. I was probably a bit annoyed when I walked away but my dad saw me and took me outside and went on about how I disrespected Darren in the way I walked off and acted. Perhaps that's true, and if so then I'm sorry. But i wanted to scream at him and say "LOOK AT ME! Look at me and see that somethings wrong! I'm not good, I'm not OK, I'm depressed all the time!" I noticed that people don't see much beyond that they want to see a lot. People don't come up and ask whats wrong, perhaps because I've grown adept at hiding it. I'm not totally surprised with my dad, since I don't think he's very into his faith right now, and that means that you're not mature and in tune with the spirit if you're not walking with Him, but it served as a lesson to me, since I fail at this as well: we need to look deep into each other and when there's a problem dig it up and deal with it. We need to care for each other and bare each other's burdens. You can see pain in people's eyes, and you can see it in their actions. True, I am very select in who I will open up too...not many people and even then it's hard, but it's the carelessness that hurts the most, when people see you and don't do anything, even worse when they won't see it in you. I pray we grow more sensitive.


Jonsey said...

how are things going? ...and where are the beefy blogs?

Anonymous said...

you. I have you in my blogroll. I hope that is OK?

sincerely sofia

Anonymous said...

help me pray for the peace of Jerusalem

dw0lf3r said...

Dude I totally hear you. I'm not even being sarcastic. I really appreciate this. I, just a moment ago, left a comment on your myspace blog hating on you saying I didn't care about your blogs but I changed my mind just now. Oh and the mean myspace comment was never actually malicious... you know how I do..

(david wolfe by the way)

Anonymous said...

u're quite right